Download our documentation now and discover the universal motor control and distribution switchboard.
The Ideal Motor Control and Power Distribution Solution
LIBERTY withdrawable switchboard is ideally adapted to MCC motor control applications as well as PCC power distribution (MCCB and MCB solutions).
Fully type tested under the latest IEC 61439 and IEC TR 61641, Liberty meets all quality requirements of the industry.
Advanced features of the LIBERTY switchboard
Galaxis's vertical busbar is entirely cast in copper and protected by a resin. This manufacturing process offers excellent resistance to vibrations, seismic shocks and external electrical disturbances.
Additionally, it reduces maintenance costs and facilitates heat dissipation. The busbar is also flexible, allowing the replacement of functional units of different sizes.
GemStart5 intelligent device for
protection, control and monitoring
The GemStart5 is an intelligent, high-performance and cost-effective product designed for motor control in the process industries. Featuring accurate microprocessors and powerful, flexible hardware, it offers high levels of reliability, flexibility and scalability.
The GemStart5 can be used in global plant monitoring solutions and has a proven track record of more than 20 years in LV and MV process control systems in all types of industries around the world.